A Potential is having or showing the capacity to develop into something in the future. I want you to take a good look at yourself this morning, just think of you and consider how far you have grown and developed over the years. Remember, if you can, the cute and lovely you as a kid of five years old, how you used to jump and play and run around the whole place and get excited and attracted to so many kiddie stuff like toys, cartoon movies and just playing and having fun with other little kids your age.
Then with time you evolved, became older and more mature. You became a teenager and other things began to interest you, began to attract you and occupy you. You also changed in appearance. You became bigger, more masculine or feminine in appearance, your body changed and your adulthood began to emerge. Then at last you became a full grown adult. And of course, teenage stuff was no longer that exciting or attractive; your thinking, priorities, interest, activities and perspectives in life changed considerably, and you began to behave differently from when you were a teenager – from when you were a child.
Dear friend, do you realise how you are today in physical appearance was not acquired from the outside? You always had it on your inside. Your adult body features were not acquired from the environment, the market place or the hospital, you had it all along on the inside of you even as a child. You didn't buy your beard, or buy your natural hips, backside, boobs or your husky voice; your height or your matured looks, you always had these features in you right from when you were a little child. These features with time materialised and became obvious – making you a very good looking and attractive adult simply because you didn't stop feeding. You ate and drank everyday of your life. You protected your body and stayed healthy; and with time, the beautiful matured you that was hidden in your same body as a child manifested.
You've always carried the adult and matured traits in you even as a child, but with feeding, healthy living and time, the maturity showed forth.
Every child today has the potential and capacity to grow and become a good looking healthy adult if they feed right, feed well and stay healthy.
It's natural that while growing up you carried the consciousness of your capacity and potential to become an adult physically, hence, you kept eating right, staying healthy, protecting and preserving your body - looking forward to adulthood. But unfortunately, you may not have treated your soul the same way.
Our soul is a combination of our mind, our will and our emotions. Many of us paid attention to the potentials we carried to grow physically but didn't really pay attention to the potential we carried to grow in our souls. We didn't quite pay attention to growing emotionally, psychologically and intellectually – we also didn't grow our intelligence.
Many adults today are not emotionally sound, many adults today are not in charge or control of their will; they are moved, they don't decide the moves and of course, schooling is not the same as intellectual development; brilliance is not intelligence, hence, we have a lot of certified adults with poor intelligence and low knowledge everywhere. All they know is what they studied in school, regarding other fields and subjects in life, they know little or nothing so they always assume and most of the time they're wrong.
Many of us while growing up paid so much attention to our physical potential but ignored our soul potential.
The dictionary says your potentials consist of your latent qualities or abilities that may develop and lead to future success or usefulness. Many of us are struggling to succeed today because we did not deliberately develop our soul potential growing up.
We didn't feed our souls right, we didn't keep our souls healthy and we didn't protect our souls from danger like we did our physical bodies.
We fed our souls with junk and destructive substances, many of us still carry scared and bruised and bleeding souls everywhere we go and even now, we are still feeding our souls with toxic materials and exposing our souls to destructive experiences and attacks. We keep killing the growth and maturity potentials of our souls. Dear friend, if you do not deliberately grow the potentials of your soul, I'm afraid you may find success difficult and many people will not find you useful.
Dear friend, in your soul lies great talent, natural gifts and abilities waiting to manifest. They are there potentially, they've always been there but you've been ignoring them because you believe more in what you can physically see and relate with than that which is unseen.
Don't you know that it is the unseen that makes the seen possible? Electricity current is unseen, radio waves unseen, power in batteries unseen yet these unseen materials make the seen and the physical useful and successful.
Dear friends, for you to resign from this lifestyle of hard labour with little to show for it, it's time to pause, relax, think and change strategy. Stop concentrating only on physical potentials, begin to consider all you carry in your soul and how you can grow these soul potentials.
Dare to believe in what you carry on your inside. What you carry is superior and more powerful than every circumstance in your life if you grow it. Confidence, courage and an unshakable determination comes when you feed your soul right and keep your soul healthy.
The greatest achievers in life are not necessarily the most brilliant but those who dared to believe in the power of their soul potential.
It is possible to remain broke and distressed in the midst of prosperity and abundance if you disdain your soul potential. Stop looking and running about, pause, relax, think and start paying attention to your soul potential.
In order to grow and manifest your soul potential, from this moment going forward endeavour to do the following:
  1. Read materials and listen to people that will inspire you, motivate you and encourage you every day. Avoid audio, video or script content and materials that appeal to your flesh and drive up your lust, greed and fear.
  2. Avoid bad news and toxic people. Most news today are bad and scary, you need not listen to every news channel, most broadcast today speak fear, discouragement, hopelessness and doom, avoid them, stop hurting your soul with poison.
  3. Forgive everyone that has ever hurt or offended you unconditionally. Release people from your heart, let them go. Learn from the experience but let these people go. Don't hold grudges.
  4. Focus on what you want to be in life and decide to be the best in the world. Stop chasing money. Grow that natural gift, talent and ability. Invest so much time developing that one thing you're passionate about and delighted to do and money will start chasing you. Stop wasting your daily hours in fruitless activates, lounging and chatting that brings no profit. Feed that potential gift optimally and be the best.
Ladies and gentlemen, knowledge drives out fear. Ignorance on how to handle someone or a situation is what brings about fear and insecurity. When you feed your mind with the right information and the right knowledge on the critical aspects of life including relationships, healthy living, career and business, financial management, parenting and spirituality you will be so bold, confident and unstoppable.
In physics, potential is defined as the quantity determining the energy of mass in a gravitational field or of charge in an electric field.
This is quite intriguing and interesting. What this implies is, if you develop your soul potential, you wouldn't have to keep running from pillar to post trying to make ends meet. Your life becomes a gravitational field or an electric field, attracting and magnetising a corresponding mass or energy of what your soul stature is. The more you grow your soul, the more prosperous you become. The more you educate your mind the more solutions you have to situations and circumstances, the more you mature emotionally the better your relationships with people you need, the more powerful you become psychologically, the better your capacity for leadership.
Your success and prosperity in life is an outcome of your soul prosperity not your physical labour.

Ladies and gentlemen, above all things, prosper, live in divine health according to how your soul prospers. You are carrying something, manifest today.

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