The world is full of opportunities and the major mitigation of opportunities is competition. If there is nothing and no one who can seize your opportunity you can never lose it. Opportunities don’t just disappear someone else takes it up. Someone faster, better, more fortunate, better position or better prepared.
Business opportunities, promotion opportunities, job opportunities, relationship, contacts, networking opportunities come up every day and every day, someone takes it up.
As much as we have these opportunities revealed, they are still insufficient compared to the number of people waiting to seize them. There is scarcity of opportunities and only the best prepared and best positioned can seize.
Come to think of it every time you lose an opportunity, your start-off time is further delayed. For example if someone gets promoted in your stead this year, you’ll have to wait for another opportunity maybe another year or two, meanwhile time will not wait for you or wait with you for the next opportunity; time waits for no one.
This means becoming very successful cannot be divorced from the number of opportunities you seize and the frequency and speed at which you seize these opportunities.
If indeed there are many rivals around you waiting for the same opportunity you’re hoping to seize how do you outperform them each time, every time. To elaborate, the top echelon of your business organisation has much fewer people than the bottom, meaning the higher you go, the fewer you get. How do you retain your place and a good pace; enjoying a steady, speedy glide to the top of your organisation?
To enjoy your career journey, you must have a sense of charge over it. And to do that, you must know how to create your own opportunities. How do you do this?
This may sound strange and look almost impossible hence; many have resolved to depend on luck and providence for career progress and success.
Without ruling out the efficacy of this mindset and approach; I’ll in addition want to share the following to give you a role to play in apprehending opportunities for success in your career. Please pay attention to these factors:
1. Know and define clearly in your mind the opportunity you’re waiting for. If you don’t know it, you can hardly recognize it when it comes. For instance you can’t just say you want to become a director in your organisation; you must know which one. Is it HR, Finance, Sales, Marketing, Supply chain which one? Know what you want and go for it.
2.Secondly, identify and be familiar with who currently holds or is in charge of the opportunity. Who is occupying the position currently? What are his qualifications, competencies, strengths and abilities? Also identify his weaknesses, struggles, negative traits and faults. Be familiar with the position. The good and the bad, the challenges and constraints. Understand what you want. Don’t just dream of the pleasure and privilege, acknowledge the frustration and challenges. Because even good things come with their challenges.
3.Thirdly, have a plan, an agenda on how to improve on what the person is currently doing. How much impact is he making currently, how can you improve on it? How efficient and result oriented is his performance? How do you outdo him? Know these things and write them down, then work on yourself to be more suitable for the position.
4.Fourthly start working on you, to be better at managing that portfolio than the current holder. Work on yourself, your speed, efficiency, knowledge, skills and foresight. Read, observe and gather information on how to surpass expectations in that office. For example as a junior brand manager, begin to think of creative ways of outdoing the current senior brand manager or your supervising marketing manager in terms of volume, value, market share and equity. Think of ways to beat current records and set new ones.
5.Fifthly, strive to surpass your own current records and performance. Outdo your last performance with every new assignment. Introduce something new and exciting each time you need to deliver on a similar assignment. Don’t be predictable on your tasks. Create excitement with new tasks; let everyone look forward to a new something you bring to bear on your work. Be exciting and innovative, refuse to be bland and boring. Differentiate yourself with your quality and quantity of work, what you know is not half as important as what you do in career. Be better and faster on your assignments. The faster you get the more assignment you’re given and with more assignment come higher responsibilities. The higher your responsibilities the more valuable you become, the more your value the more your relevance. Then you start attending high profile meetings, selected as member of special project teams and committees and then you begin to handle special duties. That’s how to beat your rivals.
6.Lastly, never campaign and never lobby for that position. Earn it! Once you start campaigning, lobbying and criticizing the person currently in charge of that position, you diminish your moral credentials to genuinely earn that position. You become a schemer and your motives and intention becomes a subject to discuss in the organisation. Never let them see you coming, keep your negative views to yourself. Always balance your criticism; how do i mean, look for, and commend the good side of a matter first, no matter how little before sharing your opinion on the negative aspect. Never boast! Make your sweat and hard work look pretty easy. When you talk and dwell very often on your effort in delivering your current assignment, you send signals that you lack the capacity to handle greater assignments. Hence, you may never be considered for a higher position; decision makers will conclude you still need to grow up.
In conclusion, draw a mental picture of your next opportunity and hold on to it. The more you think and meditate on it, the more you attract it into your life. What opportunity in your office are you waiting for now? Call it out. Think about it, meditate on it and romance it in your mind and gradually it will eventually become your reality. Dear friend. Create that opportunity today.
Enjoy your day.

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