Again I saw it on social media, a young man on bed in the hospital all wired to a medical equipment, trying to survive and appealing to the general public to please help keep him alive. He was in urgent need of kidney transplant, and the whole treatment would cost about six million naira. Hence, the passionate appeal to well-meaning Nigerians and kind hearted people to please donate and support him by paying cash into a specified bank account.
I read through, felt really sorry for the man and shook my head in lamentation. It's not the first, second or third of such appeal I would come across in the last one year or so.
People appealing to the general public to help save lives of fellow Nigerians who have suddenly taken ill and are in dire need of urgent medical attention, if not they may die. How much? Six million, just six million naira. Hmmn
I know very many Nigerians who have worked very hard and made money and wouldn't even flinch paying six million to save this man's life.
I'm not talking about those who stole public funds, stole from their employers or indulged in crime to make money, no, I'm talking about responsible, hardworking and honest Nigerians who worked for their money and indeed can afford to give the whole six million without breaking a sweat.
To some Nigerians, I mean honest Nigerians, six million naira is not a lot of money. Now I imagine you would assume, I would criticise them for their unwillingness or reluctance to support such a man in need of this surgery. No, I'm not gong that route, my lesson from this story is to challenge us that at times we need to be very sincere and objective and commit to carrying our own burdens.
I know many people and I've heard many people sound like having an ambition to be very rich is a bad thing. They paint this picture as though the desire and effort to have a lot of money is unnecessary, vain and carnal. They label financially ambitious people as greedy and materialistic. They say stuff like “what do you need so much money for? Once you can feed, clothe, have a roof over your head and pay your basic bills everything else is greed and unnecessary” They say. They make all rich people appear greedy and make being rich appear sinful. They even make it look like God prefers the poor to the rich. Hmm
But you see, there are many ways to look at a matter, people have different motives and reasons for their ambition. As you can label all rich people as greedy, you can also judge all poor people as lazy. Meanwhile it is not every rich person that is greedy and definitely not every poor person that is lazy.
In my opinion, a greedy man is not a man that has made so much more money than he can spend, a greedy man is not that man that has acquired money exceedingly and abundantly above that which he can spend in his lifetime, no, that's not a greedy man. A greedy man is that man who is desperate to have money and wouldn't mind employing wicked and illegitimate means to achieving this.
So greed is not about how much you have, greed is actually the evil you did or can do to make money; greed is when you make money illegitimately. Greed is not about the quantity but the method.
No matter how rich you are, if you did not employ wicked, illegitimate and dishonest means to making your money, you are not greedy.
And no matter how poor you are, if the little you have was obtained through illegitimate, wicked or dishonest means, you are a greedy fellow. Greed is not how much you have, it's what you did to acquire it.
When you legitimately acquire very much more than you can finish spending in your life time, you are not greedy, you are actually blessed.
Dear friend, stop condemning, criticising, judging and labelling all rich people as dishonest or corrupt people.  You should desire and aspire to become legitimately rich as well. The reason many of us are not so rich today is because we disdain the rich and you can never attract into your life what you disdain.
What do I need so much money for you may ask, I don't need to be rich, I just want to be comfortable, dear friend don't deceive yourself, you can never be comfortable without being rich, it doesn't work like that, only the rich are truly comfortable. Only the rich need not beg for public help to pay medical bills.
Ladies and gentlemen, in this life, there are some questions life will throw at you, some serious situations that would arise that only plenty of money can answer well.
Truth be told, when you need serious money to solve critical problems that could even be life threatening, hardly would you find anyone that will bail you out completely. All you'll hear are stories on how you should have asked earlier, how they also have their own problems and how you should come back next week or next month – a never ending come back situation.
Let's face the reality, when you need a lot of money, it's hard to find one individual that will give you everything. Even religious organisations have their own stories and excuses. They will pray hard for you O, but hardly will they give you all the money you need.
The reason you should strive and work hard to become rich is to avoid disgrace, embarrassment, ridicule and loss when life challenges arise that require serious spending.
Any problem that money cannot solve, only God can solve it. Poverty is not humility, being broke is not spirituality.
Money is power, money is relevance, money is protection; no one is interested in your ideas, views, suggestion or opinion even within your family circle if you're broke.
Most people that criticise and condemn the rich do it out of envy, spite or jealousy not because the legitimately rich have wronged them in anyway.
Many people struggling financially hate to think legitimate wealth is possible, hence, they label every rich person a crook, a thief, a cheat or as corrupt; they don't bother about how some rich people have really struggled, endured tough times and paid legitimate price to become rich. They judge everyone indiscriminately.
Yes, there are so many things money cannot do, but I assure you what money can't do, poverty can't do either hence, poverty is not a superior alternative to riches. I assure you whatever money can't do, poverty can dare not attempt.
Ladies and gentlemen, I encourage you to be rich not to feed your materialism but to secure your life and also be a blessing to others. Money makes you feel safe, protected and peaceful in this life. A high bank balance most times equals a peaceful state of mind.
Money is a defence in life. Many have died of little things like malaria, typhoid, childbirth, ordinary headache, simple accidents and minor injuries cos they couldn't pay for quality health care.
Stop bragging in lack, stop criticizing the rich, you can't become anything you disdain.
Ladies and gentlemen, the reason why you may disdain the rich is perhaps because you don't know how to become rich. You've tried everything you know and it appears not to be working, hence you conclude its only crime, corruption and dishonesty that can make anyone rich.
Let me tell you this. The main difference between the legitimately rich and the poor is not hard work or qualifications, luck or destiny, it is relevant knowledge and information.
The rich buy and pay heavily for relevant information and knowledge, but the poor spend on pretence, cover up, make believe and false hood.
The rich invest in things that would grow their riches like financial and business training, seminars, workshops, investments, shares, bonds, and good business opportunities, the poor however, invest in tangible material stuff that would make people think they are rich.
The poor invest in expensive clothes, expensive shoes, expensive watches, expensive phones, expensive vacations, expensive cars and every expensive stuff to make statements, though they have sub-zero bank balances and owe many people, they would rather invest in appearing rich. They invest in falsehood, they spend to look rich; they don't spend on what will make them truly rich. They spend on things that would make people think they are rich.
Being rich is not just what you have, it's who you are. It's what you know. Riches is the ability to create wealth in any situation through relevant information and knowledge. Being rich is not really in buying plenty stuff.
Dear friends, the ability to create wealth comes through knowledge. Pay for knowledge and information on how to make legitimate income and you will be rich. Dear friend, pay the price

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