Hello Laila, this is to create awareness to men about the kind of friends and also the kind of soulmate to search for. This is my true life story but I would love to remain anonymous thanks.

My name is ******, I once lived in a world where i thought people are all nice and human,  who considers the feeling of others, until i got the opportunity to enter into the university and a chance to exercise the one true skill I really had (intelligence). 
I became loved by both my lecturers and peers. I started making money from tutoring some students and solving assignments, I even made friends I started living in the same house with. We became so close to the extent when I rented my house I still invited them
Little did I know they were envious of my success. 
Everything I did displeased them but they would pretend and smile like they are supporting me. I kept nothing away from them cos I took them as my brothers, as years passed, I became more addicted to them, telling them everything I did or intended to do. Not knowing these guys were seriously plotting my downfall. 
I bought a car with the small money I made. 2months later, I sold the car. I never really understood what happened till date. 
After all this, I began to feel the need to settle down as I was not growing any younger and I was beginning to feel lonely. 
When I started dating, I was searching for true love, never knew some women had evil up their sleeves and saw relationship as a fulltime biznes that yields money. I met a girl, we became really close I even told her that if it's money she wants she should leave because I don't intend to spend a dime in this relationship and she *swore* with her *privates* that she really loves me. Infact, she became the practical wife material any man in my shoes would want, not knowing she was walking her way to my brain. 
Before I could realize it, I had spent all I had on her and her family. I even took a loan just to make sure I can start up a biznes for myself and her DAT would bring in extra money, only for me to end up spending it on her and her family. 
When things became tough, she never asked me how I was coping rather she kept demanding for more money to sort her personal needs. When she realized I had no money anymore, she went MIA on me. No calls, no text. Then it dawned on me that I wasn't her fiance but her helper. 
While trying to recover from this devastating facts, some of my friends made an attempt on my life because they heard I had taken a loan and didn't give dem any part of the money. I became weak. It seemed like the whole world wanted to explode that instant. In a twinkle of an eye, i had no friends, no fiancee anymore. 
Please be careful who you call friend or lover, both have shown me pepper.

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