I want you to this morning take a second look at your life. Are you living the life you want or a life dedicated to earning? Is your daily activities and choices inspired, motivated and informed by the need to earn, or you're living a life you truly enjoy? Do you see a life dedicated to earning as the only kind of lifestyle; hence, you've decided to embrace it and call it life itself? If you have everything you want and everything you need in abundance will your lifestyle today still be your kind of life style?
Think with me this morning and lets go way back to when you were a child, your days in primary school, secondary school, university it was all about working hard to earn good grades and subsequently get a good job and ultimately earn good income. Even in career, it's been all about working hard daily to earn good income and keep growing your income so as to obtain all you need in life.
Please tell me, is this really the essence and purpose of being alive? Are we just here to keep working all our lives to earn and gather so many things and so much that we shall eventually leave behind whether we like it or not? I do not think so, I believe our lives should be much more than a dedication to earning; there must be more.
Dear friend, if today you're offered 1 million dollars and you have a guaranteed 1 million dollars every year of your life for the rest of your life. If today you're exposed to limitless income and an unending cash flow what will your life today be about? If you can afford all the clothes, and all the cars and all the food, and all the houses and all the travels and vacations and can pay for anything you want in this world, what then will you be doing with your life? Please try hard to picture this, if you have unlimited  access to cash flow, what will you be doing this morning, next week, next month, next year, in three years, in five years, in ten years? If your life is no longer about earning and growing income what will you be doing with your life? If acquiring and earning and gathering is no longer your life dedication, what would then become the importance and worth of your life?
Dear friend, many of us may not realise this, but we are actually living for money, we are living our lives dedicated to earning money in order to secure our lives and properties and apprehend quality social relevance. We are practically at the beck and call of cash.
A good life my friend is a purposeful, peaceful and happy life. Money can never buy that. That's perhaps why many extremely rich people end up as drug users or end up committing suicide because they dedicated their lives to earning money, they succeeded alright making so much, but because they misunderstood the nature, the reason and the purpose of money, money consequently destroyed them.
You never pursue money because you want to be rich and have so much, you pursue and earn money in order to sponsor your dreams, assignment and purpose on earth. If you chase money and eventually become rich without a dream or purpose to sponsor, the money may consequently destroy you.
Dear friend, I believe it's time to find yourself, finding yourself can actually be the beginning of your great life. Finding yourself is the master key to your life of meaning.
Finding yourself is identifying and concentrating on fulfilling your reason for being in this world. You must know why you are here. Your reason for being in this world my friend, is superior to any education, certification, qualification and career. Your education, qualifications, exposure and career are all supposed to help in the fulfilling of your dreams and purpose in life as a human being.
Every man's assignment and purpose in this life is service to humanity in one form or another. Dear friend, there must be something about this world, about humanity that touches your heart, stirs your spirit, bothers you, concerns you and inspires you. There must be a life matter that stirs passion in you. It could be about men, women, children and general relationships. It could be about welfare, justice, peace, fairness, administration or leadership. It could be health, creativity, invention, entertainment, process and better living. If you're truly human, something about humanity will connect in your heart and truly touch you.
A good life that brings true happiness, peace and fulfilment is that life serving what the heart connects with. A life of self-preservation, vain competition, materialism; show off, vanity, worry, anxiety, fear and tension is a life dedicated to earning and growing income without knowing one's purpose.
Finding yourself is knowing what you're created to do and doing what you're created and designed to do. It's doing what you love to do, it's about locating and connecting with your place in this world, enjoying your assignment in this life, doing it passionately and being around people who connect with you in passion, purpose, assignment and vision.
If someone can be satisfied and happy with a 5000 naira hair do, I promise you a 150,000 hair extension is not truly the source of happiness. If someone can be happy and excited with a 15 000 naira shoe, I assure you, you don't need a 300, 000 naira shoe to find happiness. If you're not a happy person, buying that 300,000 naira shoe eventually will still not make you happy.
Finding yourself, is the source of happiness, it's not in what you own; it's in whom you are - discovering yourself.
Happiness is in finding you, accepting you and loving you the way you are and embracing why you're in this world.
Living a life of earning should be for a specified and pre-determined season, until you gather enough to pay for or start up your main reason for being - your purpose and your dreams. When you begin to live your life of purpose and dreams, when you begin to fulfil your mandate in this life; you will naturally be elevated from earnings to reward.
Earnings is getting paid for labour, reward is receiving appreciation for an achievement, accomplishment or a noble deed. Reward is being appreciated for success.
Dear friend, Are you truly happy with your life, or you've accepted this life or earning as your life? Why are you in this world? How much do you need to start financing your dreams? Are you saving towards it or squandering all your earnings?
Its time my friend, to rethink your life, it's time to fight back in life, come out of the corner, get out of the box, and break that limitation. Becoming rich is not your purpose in this life, achieving purpose and manifesting greatness and glory is why you're here. You can, and you must touch your generation. The whole creation is waiting for your manifestation. Don't be contented with mediocrity and a life of smallness. I'm sure you're bigger, better and more powerful than this. Don't be limited in your dreams and vision for life, you can do all things.
What is that dream, make it real, what is that gift, stir it up, you are a city set upon a hill, shine forth and let humanity benefit from what you carry. Dear friend, its time you find yourself.
Please enjoy your day.

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