Fear is a feeling and an experience that is fully rooted in the future. Without the future, fear cannot exist. Every form of fear is based on an expectation or anticipation of something negative. Every fear is of the future. You're afraid of a painful possibility, a negative development or a repeat of a bad experience.
Every form of fear is based on what you think may happen or could happen, not what has already happened. There is no fear of the past, no, the past is the root and source of regrets, regret belongs and is rooted in your past; fear comes and is rooted in your future.
Our reaction to fear however, as mankind is choices and decision. To address what you fear in the future, you make a choice and decision in the present, to mitigate, nullify or neutralise a possible negative or unpleasant future occurrence or situation.
I believe everyone is afraid of poverty. We hate to be broke, we hate the lack, embarrassment, disdain, disrespect and oppression that comes with poverty. No one appreciates a situation where money is the only answer and sadly, money is not available.
Consequently, money has become the control key for human effort in productivity and labour. If there's no monetary reward tied to employment, many people will not work.
If work was just for the fun of it; no salary, no perks, no income, you'll probably not even go to school in order to obtain a good employment. Money is the major driving force behind employment and productivity in the world today. Either as an employee or an entrepreneur, Money is absolutely important to all.
I've come to realise that in life that being familiar with anything or anyone eventually brings disdain and disrespect. Whatever you demystify, you hardly respect.
Many people in employment today had a very different attitude and disposition to employment when they were still in the labour market seeking for employment. In the days of their being very broke and busted, when they had to depend on friends, family and benevolence to feed, clothe, transport, make phone calls and pay for medical needs; the way they saw employment and employed people was so different.
Being employed, especially in a well-established and organised company was a big deal to them. As a matter of fact, a lot of prayers, hard work, study and labour went into their ambition to secure an employment.
Daily I get mails and calls and even visits from unemployed graduates who believe I can help them secure employment with MTN. For them, being an employee in MTN is a dream come true. This is simply because MTN as a business has over the years built a fantastic reputation and success story making them a top choice for career seekers and builders in Nigeria. 
Every employee wants to work in a great company; every employee wants to be paid so well. Well enough to pay all their bills and afford all their wants and desired luxury. We all want good jobs.
However, it's amazingly natural for many employees after securing this employment to begin to disdain it and take it for granted.
I know many bankers, oil and gas company workers, employees at multinationals, many people who are very well paid today in very, very good companies who are very lazy, laidback, indolent and basically just take their jobs and employment for granted.
They simply just forget they are paid to work. They begin to act and think as though their salary is a right.  
They forget their employment purpose and begin to prioritise their rights and privileges as employees. They begin to fight, demand and pressure employers for their rights without having earned it or delivered company vision and ambition for the season. They ask and mobilise others to ask the employers for entitlements they didn't work hard enough for, earn or remember to pursue.
This same individual who whilst seeking employment looked pitiful and was full of promises to give his or her best to the organisation suddenly ignores the job, the work, the vision of the business and value creation; this individual today, has shifted in thinking and attitude from hard work and productivity, to employment rights and entitlements. Forgetting when you're truly hardworking and productive, you need not fight for rights and privileges.
Dear friend, let me tell you a secret, all employees are equal but some are more equal than others.
You see, in many organisations extremely outstanding employees don't fight for rights and privileges because they get it and even more without asking. They just don't tell the rest of you.
In many organisations, extremely good employees have a one-on-one relationship with their MDs or departmental directors. These leaders confide in them and share classified information with them.
Extremely outstanding employees know many things about the organisation that average and everyday employees don't know.
Let me tell you this as well, outstanding employees in many organisations are compensated in many ways by their employers off the record. They enjoy many things other employees don't enjoy simply because the employer can't afford to let them leave. They are VIP employees.
Dear friend, you may right now begin to judge yourself as a good and outstanding employee yet, you don't get this treatment. Being an outstanding employee is not a matter of your opinion, it's based on the opinion and perception of your employer.
Dear friend, are you today fighting your employer and demanding for a right or agreement of a pay rise? Are you pressuring your employer to fulfil the promise of a salary increase? Can we talk this morning?
Listen I'm not saying it is wrong to fight for your rights and entitlements, no very far from it. I believe if your employer has made a promise or signed and agreement they should live up to it. You're absolutely in line. But let's picture this matter from another perspective; the real perspective.
You see, many employees have actually never enjoyed any real form of salary increase in as far back as 10 years despite regular addition to their annual income by their employers.
Let me explain this. The fact that on paper your salary has appreciated and the figures have increased does not mean you actually enjoyed an increase in reality. This is neither your fault nor that of your employer, it's simply the fault of inflation.
If you enjoyed a 6% increase in your total income at the start of the year and that same year the general prices of goods and services escalated by 10%, you have actually experienced a 4% decrease in your purchasing power. That means what you could buy with your salary the previous year has reduced by 4% despite a 6% growth in your income figures. It's the effect of inflation.
Dear friend, how do you intend to deal with it this year? How do you beat this situation of a perpetual decrease in your purchasing power despite yearly increase in salary figures?
It's pretty simple, grow your income at a higher percentage than inflation every year! And how do you do this? Become a top performer in your organisation.
Listen to this statistics, average employees increase their income at about 5% per annum, this is less than inflation rates and the cost of living which in Nigeria at times grow at between 9 to 13% per annum. Meaning your income is actually decreasing.
Top performers in most fields increase their income from 10 to 20% every year – compounded year after year.
Listen to this truth. Top 20% of employees earn 80% of the salary and the remaining 80% of employees earn the reaming 20% of salaries; the left over. If you would, go and investigate this fact.
Dear friend, instead of fighting for a general salary increase promised by your employer, why not just join the top 20% percent performers in your organisation? Earn your increment through performance not protest. Stop being an average employee, join the top performers. If you don't, you need to really be afraid of your financial future as ultimately depending on general salary increases will make you broke, inflation would rubbish your pay.
Dear friend, out-earn inflation.
Please enjoy your day

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